Al-Ghazali, Sang Hujjatul Islam

Father 10
Dozens of their works are evidence of the breadth of knowledge of Ukutonizan and Al-Ghazali's Middle Ages .
Abu Hamid Muhammad bin Muhammad al-Ghazali al-Tusi as-Sayafi and others were among the followers of Islam who were responsible for Imam al-Ghazali .
Known as a scholar, philosopher, doctor, psychologist, jurist and Sufi, he is the most devout in the Islamic world.

In addition to Alghazil's personal philosophy - as the world of the future is called, in addition to Alghazil's personal philosophy - he also had many inspirations for the Western philosophers and philosophers of the Middle Ages.

The Great Event of Al-Ghazali's Thought. "There is no longer any doubt that al-Ghazali's thought was masterful in governing intellectuals in Europe," says Margaret Smith in Al-Ghazali: The Mystery of the Tadpole in London, England, 1944.

One Christian thinker who had the greatest influence on Al-Ghazali's work, Smith said, was ST Thomas Aquinas (1225 AD-1274 AD). Thomas Aquinas is a philosopher often revered in the West. Al-Ghazali owes his greatness to the famous Muslim figure ITU. Al-Ghazali's thought is very different from the way of Sicaeus Aquinas, who studied at the University of Naples. At that time, Islamic culture and literature dominated the Western world.

The biggest difference between the work of al-Ghazali and Thomas Aquinas is in the methods and beliefs of Christian theology. Al-Ghazali also rejects the Aristotelian notion of the individual, a non-Islamic metaphysical philosopher who lacks the motive of existence. Saha, Aquinas incorporated the ideas of Greek, Latin and Islamic philosophers in his philosophical works.

Al-Ghazali is known as a Muslim woman philosopher who strongly opposes all metaphysical philosophies that have a Greek flavor. In his book Bergd's Deconstruction of Philosophy, al-Ghazali attempts to disentangle Islamic philosophy from the Greek-inspired Mendean philosophy of Islam, which asserts divine or angelic mediation. The efforts of members of Islamic philosophy, from inspiration to the Greek thinker al-Ghazali, are defined as the theory of causality.

Al-Ghazali spoke about philosophy in his writings. For him, the philosophy that had spread before him, al-Farabi and Ibn Sina, was something he could easily criticize by dealing with elements that challenged him to ridicule.

A philosophy that al-Ghazali studied seriously while living in Baghdad. A number of philosophical books have also been published. One of the philosophical books whose content is Maqasid al-Falasifa (The Purpose of the Philosophers). He then wrote a very famous book of philosophy, Tahafut al-Falasifa (The Inconsistencies of the Philosophers).

Al-Ghazali was the man who combined Sufism with Sharia and made the Meccan Parangan Parangan. The concepts of Sufism were closely intertwined with this legendary thinker of Sharia law. It is also the first Sufi monograph to adopt formal descriptions of tasawwuf in his works. Al-Ghazali is also known as a Sunni scholar who often criticizes other sects. I have been interested in Sufism since my youth.
Al-Ghazali's life

Al-Ghazali was born in 450 H or 1058 AD in Sy City, Khurasan Province, Fars (Iran). He came from a family of skilled weavers (spinners). His father was a sake craftsman who sold shuf (sheepskin kate) in So City.

But his reading of the Hadith verses from Al-Ghazali later made him a fearful and fearful person. Because of this, Penang died, and his father Kedaya Kedayana bequeathed Yantaman among the noble people. He advised me: "I'm really Penmanesa, I don't learn khat (writing in Arabic) and I want what happened to my two children." So I beg you to marry him, and my highest map may be married for this reason,'' said the guardian Al-Ghazali and his sister.

Imam al-Ghazali learned to be fluent in Arabic and Persian at an early age. Al-Ghazali studied Ishuddin, logic, usul fiqh and philosophy because of his interest in science. He then studied fiqh with Sheikh Ahmad bin Muhammad ar-Radzakhani in Su City. He then went to Jujan to join Imam Abu Bashir al-Ismaili.

After al-Ghazali studied science in Jurjan, he went to the center of the city of Naisabur and studied with Imam Haramain al-Juwayni. While in Naysabur, the beggar was well-advised in the Siyafi school of jurisprudence, the science of the sciences, usuluddin, mantic, art and philosophy. He also wrote a treatise that impressed Manudu's teacher, El-Juway.
After chanting the Guru's death, Imam Al-Ghazali left Naisabur Jui to the congregation of Wazir Nidzamul Malik. The meeting is a place where scientists gather. Knowing this, Al-Ghazali tried to get the scholars to debate and they succeeded.

Then, due to the great knowledge of Imam al-Ghazali, Nidzamul Malik in Baghdad in 484 H. Mendiya Bengamat and the most senior Pekkana were appointed as professors at Madrasah Nizamiyah (an institution founded by Nidzamul Malik) in Tukuku.

Al-Ghazali, as the leader of the Islamic scholarly community, was engaged in the study of Islamic law at the Lewid Madrasa. After four years of studying at the Nizamiyah Madrasa, al-Ghazali felt that something was missing in him. Dilanda's heart was confused. He felt that he was in a serious spiritual crisis. Al-Ghazali is working his way out of Baghdad.
His profession is very biryant izkanya. After spending two years in Syria and Palestine, they traveled to the Holy Land of Mecca. After that, al-Ghazali returned to the land of Lamanishina. The priest was also advised to write works and refresh the Sufis and eat.

What made Al-Ghazali abandon his masterpiece and follow the path of Sufism? Al-Ghazali realized in his autobiography that there was no way to attain certain knowledge or to unlock Mahlan's vision through Sufism. It seems that traditional Islamic festivals must have reached a critical stage at that time.
Kesudu Al-Ghazali is the source of his opposition to Islamic philosophy, to burn a prestigious work in ITU. Al-Ghazali died at the age of 70 in 1128 AD in the city of Pelas. Nevertheless, al-Ghazali's ideas still live on from time to time.
Works of the Sufis
During his Hanamiwa period (70 years), Imam Al-Ghazali wrote many works of Varangal in his uncle Sumabu Began. From Fiqh to Sufism (Tasauf), Philosophy, Aqeedah and Dirt.
He is known as the production artist of the book Mawqif Ibn Taymij Min al-Asiarah and Tabat Asi-Siyafia Qariah Abdurrahman bin Salih Ali Mahmud Imam al-Ghazali. Many of his works are now available all over the world.
Eshinuddin and Akida field
1. Arba'in Fi Ushuliddin is the second chapter of the book "Xhevahir Al-Quran".
2. Qawa'id al-Aqeed with Ihya Ulumuddin in its first volume.
3. Al-Iqtishad Fil-Itiqad.
4. Tahafut al-Falasifa Al-Ghazali contains the principles of Assyrian philosophy against the ideas of the philosophers.
5. Faisal At-Tafreeqah Bayinul Islam wa Zenadiqah.
The field of Usul Fiqh, Fiqh, Philosophy and Tasawwuf
1. Al-Mustafa Min Ilmi Al-Usul
2. Mahakun Nadar
3. Mijar al-Ilmi
4. Ma'rif Al-Aqliya
5. Misikat Al-Anwar
6. Al-Maqshad Al-Asna fi Surhi Asma Allah Al-Husna
7. Mizan al-Amal
8. Al-Madhmn bihi ala ghariyalihi
9. Al-Ajwibah al-Ghazaliyyah fi al-Masail Ukraine
10. Ma'arij al-Qudsi fi Madariji Marifati an-Nafsi
11. Canon of At-Tawil
12. Fadaheeh al-Batiniya
13. Al Kistas Al-Mustam
14. Iljam al-Awam 'an' Ilmi al-Kalam
15. Rawda al-Talib and Umde al-Salik
16. Ar-Risale Al-Laduniya
17. Ihjaulum ad-Din
18. Al-Munkizu Min Adl-Dlal
19. Al Wasit
20. Al Basit
21. Al-Wajiz
22. Al-Kulashah
23. Minhaj al-Abidin
There are many works by Imam al-Ghazali. There are many different works with a breadth of knowledge that al-Ghazali did not have. He is a jurist and expert, but also tasawwuf, philosophy and dark science. The title of Pitiqah Sarijakan Dinada as Huja al-Islam.
Ihya Ulam Ad-Din; The work of al-Ghazali

I am Ulum al-Din
One of the most profound works of Imam al-Ghazali in the world is the book Ihya Ulum Ad-Din. This is Al-Ghazali's masterpiece. Indeed, this book is a reference in the study of Sufism for Muslims all over the world, including Indonesia. This explains the way a servant can face the face of God.
Due to the breadth and scope of Sufism (the Sufi path) in his work, many religious scholars have given many opinions (opinions), both of which give negative opinions on this book.
Sikh Abdullah Al-Idrus
'' Paragraph by paragraph, letter by letter, I was reading and pondering it. Every day I gain knowledge and secrets as well as the wonderful and unique beauty I find in Sedaka. This book is the place of Allah's feelings and His will. That person and his love will surely receive the love of Allah, His messengers, angels and guardians.
Imam al-Nawawi
“If all the Islamic books are lost and the only one grateful is Al-Ihya Kitab, then he can hide all the lost books.
Imam Al Razi
"It is as if Allah S.W. collected all knowledge in a song, then whispered it to Al-Ghazali and wrote it in this book."
Abu Bakr Al Turtusi
Abu Hamid lied about the book of Ihya against Rasool SAW. I do not know that there is a book on this earth that is more false than it, then the contents of Rasool Ikhwan Ish-Shafaan, which combines the philosophy of thought and content. It is a nation whose prophethood can be developed.''
Scholars Some scholars criticize Imam al-Ghazali's work because it contains many hadiths and many hadiths are interrupted. About God of nature. sya/taq/RioL

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