Biografi Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein biography . Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 – 18 April 1955) was a theoretical physicist who is considered by many to be the greatest scientist of the 20th century. This is the theory of relativity, statistics and cosmology. He Diananguradi Aptangana Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 for his appreciation of the photoelectric effect and his "devotion to Theoretical Physics".

After the general theory of relativity was formulated, Einstein became a whole world, which is not biased for a private person. At the time of his parents, his fame spread throughout history, and in popular culture, said Einstein, besikma besikma is synonymous with ukutaniman or the same genius. His face is one of the most famous in the world. In 1999, Einstein took Aurangabad Eni through a watershed moment.

Its popularity also led to the name "Einstein" being widely used in advertisements and plain trade goods, and the ultimate "Albert Einstein" being turned into a trademark. For his Sabbaths, a unit in photochemistry was named einstein, a chemical element was named einsteinium, and an asteroid was named 2001 Einstein.

Education and youth

Einstein was born in Ulm in Württemberg, Germany. About 100 km east of Stuttgart. Her father's name was Herman Einstein, Jan Polo Jan then Mingalani Bekir Iljan Electrokemya, and her mother was Polin's name. They got married in Stuttgart - Bad Cannstatt. Their family is deaf Jewish; Albert was educated at a Catholic school and at his mother's school in Debire he studied the violin.

At the age of five, his father passed his pocket, and Einstein realized that something in "empty" space acted on the needle of the compass; He later spoke of his experience as one of the most moving moments of his life. Although he pursued mechanical models and instruments as a hobby, he was considered a slow learner, possibly due to dyslexia, poor academic performance, or his detached brain structure (studied after friends).

When he was small, Albert Einstein seemed retarded because his speech skills were very languageless. His character is quiet and likes to play alone. In November 1981 his younger sister was born who was given the name Maya. Until the age of seven years Albert Einstein liked to get angry and throw things, Kamasu at his younger brother.

His interest and love for physics arose when he was five years old. When he was lying weak because of illness, his father gave him a compass. Albert Kesil was fascinated by the madness of the compass, so he made up his mind to the mystery of Mystanga Veil that changed the majesty and greatness of nature.

Writing and working with his friends, Albert Einstein did well in school. The report card was good and I became Javara Kailash. Celine Perscola and Staring at Sens, Albert Bermin's Passion for Music and Money With Imion Playing the Works of Mozart's Work in Beethoven.

Albert completed his studies at ETH (Eidgenoessische Technische Hochscule). At Age 21 it was announced, the year albert graduated. After graduation, Albert tried to work as an assistant professor, but was turned down. Eventually Albert took a temporary job as a teacher at a high school. He then worked in Patten's office in Bern. Assalamu'alaikum and Albert's team from his physics major.

He later gave a gift for relativity because he was this slow and then said he thought about thinking in space and time for other children so he could develop his kibanda more. Another opinion, recently, calming down his mind is that he is excited about Asperger's Syndrome, a condition that is relevant to autism.

Einstein Moulay Two-year-old Bada Omor Mathematics Offender. It was rumored that he flunked math in his education, but this is not true; Saturana in the falkatsion of the Angungung Membrane Bada Perodini Years. His two uncles mixed his interest in intellectual world charts in his late childhood and early youth with advice and books on sanity and mathematics. In 1894, due to the failure of his work in electrochemistry, Einstein moved from Munich to Pavia, Italy (near Milan).

Albert stayed behind to finish school, finishing one semester before joining his family in Pavia. . In the year he signed for Württemberg citizenship, he became a citizen.

Bada 1898, Einstein Minimoy and Gato Sinta Kebada Mileva Maric, Serb Jan Mirobak his flash friend (also friend of Nikola Tesla). In 1900 he received a teaching diploma from the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule and then in 1901 he was admitted to Switzerse Citizenship.

He and Mileva had a daughter named Lieserl, born in January 1902. Lieserl was, at that time, illegitimate because her parents did not approve.

Work and Degree Dr.

At the time of Einstein's pohovlennya can not suppress the boy's childish, his rush as a young young man easily angered professor. The father of a class theme got engaged as a technical assistant to the Cantor Swiss Patent examiner Dalah in 1902. There, Einstein had an application for the inventor's patent for a device that included the invention of glasses.

He also learns to understand the importance of applying Bad Jan's explanation, and learns from management how to "explain diraha correctly". He sometimes designs their corrections and also evaluates the practicality of their work. Einstein married Mileva on January 6, 1903.

The marriage of Einstein to Mileva, a mathematician, was a permanent campaign in intelligence; May 14, 1904 was born Hans Albert Einstein, the first child of this couple. In 1904, Einstein appointed Patent Cantor as permanent Swiss. He earned his Doctorate degree in Vehicles defending his dissertation "Eine neue Bestimmung der Moleküldimensionen" ("On the New Determination of Molecular Size") in 1905 at the University of Zurich.

In 1905, Albert Einstein played a big role, and he played a big role. Following Are the Works of the Topic:

March: paper application based on Boltzmann statistics. His interpretation of the photoelectric effect on paper won him the Nobel Prize in 1922.

  1. April: Doctoral dissertation about new molecular measurements. Einstein received his PhD from the University of Zurich.
  2. May: Papernia inks of motion are brown.
  3. June: His famous paper, namely on the special theory of relativity, was awarded by Annalen der Physik with the title Zur Electrodynamics Bewegter Kerper (Electrodynamics of Benda Mobileh).
  4. September: continuation of the paper in June, which reaches its famous consummate formula: E = mc2, namely the mass of an object (m) is a measure of its energy content (E). c is the speed of light in a vacuum (c >> 300 thousand kilometers per child). Mass has an equivalence with Energy, a feitei that freezes the charge of nuclear energy at a later date. So, one gram of mass is Sitara Dingan Yang Dabat Energy Entering the Electrical Power of 3000 Houses (Berdia 900W) Silama Perino Banoh, A Total Energy Under Bayzarnaya.
This is a list of the latest members' articles, latest magazines, dongguk, and new theories. Many physicists agree that the third thesis (on Brownian motion), the photoelectric effect, and later the special theory of relativity) deserves the Nobel Prize eye.

However, Chanya's thesis about the photoelectric effect is the one that got the message. This is ironic, not only because Einstein knew more about quiet relativity, but also because the photoelectric effect is a quantum., And Einstein got off the beaten track in quantum theory. What made his thesis extraordinary was, In each case, Einstein confidently swung from theoretical physics to logicalist conclusions and spit that confounded the doubters for decades.

He Submit your dissertation on "Annalen der Physik". They are usually referred to as "Leaf of Annus Mirabilis" (lat. Excellent year). The Union of Pure Physics and Applications (IUPAP) plans to mark the centenary of the publication of Einstein's paper in 1905 as the 2005 Year of Physics.

An article written in 1905, "On the motion—required by the kinetic molecular theory of heat—of small particles suspended in an immobile liquid," was reported in the English edition of Brownian. Using fluid-kinetic theory which was controversial at the time, he saw that the phenomenon, which was still lacking in the survivors that he witnessed after the first decade after he was first observed, provided empirical evidence (on the basis of.

Then you can use statistics, which are paradoxical. Prior to this thesis, the atom was known as the Bargawan concept, but the physicist and chemist Perdibat Dingan Hegest Abaka Pinar Swatu Pinda Jan Real atom.

Discuss Einstein's calm atomic behavior with mechanics. Peak experimented with a way to identify atoms simply by looking through a refractive microscope. He then recounted Wilhelm Ostwald, Anatum's Secular Engineer, Arnold Sommerfeld Bhua and Thila's Conversion of Innocence to Einstein's Complete Tinthang Bilaran Brownie.

In 1909, Albert Einstein became a professor at the University of Zurich. In 1915, this is the theory of relativity. The highest award for his hard work since childhood was paid off by winning the Nobel Prize in 1921 in the field of physical sciences. Besides that, Albert is also Quantum theory and the theory of change.

In 1933, Albert and his family moved to America. In 1941, he swore an oath as a citizen of the United States. Because of his sincerity and sincerity in duplicating the second person, President Albert Ditavari Mingadi, Israel Jan Second.

However, he was stripped of his position because he felt that he had no competence at that level. Albert Einstein died on April 18, 1955.

Nonetheless, Albert Smbat Manyang Bello In Khati Karina Bezarnia's work - The General Theory of Special Relativity - was not the inspiration for the atomic bomb membrane. Those were the bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II.


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