Biografi Ibnu Khaldun | Bapak Sosiologi Islam

Photo of Ibn Khaldun - Founder of Islamic social and political science
Ibn Khaldun
Ibn Khaldun, witness and father of Islamic sociologists who memorized the Koran, was known from an early age. His full name was Waliuddin Abdurrahman bin Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Abi Bakar Muhammad bin al-Hasan who was later known as Ibn Khaldun. Tunisia was born on 1 Ramadhan 732 H./27 May 1332 AD. As an expert in Islamic politics, he is also the father of Economie Islam, because his thoughts on logical economic theory and far-reaching reality have been neglected (19723-19723) Smith ) Then David Ricardo (1772-1823) presented his economic theories. Even when he entered his teens, his writings were everywhere.

He also held important positions in Fez, Granada and North Africa and was a professor at al-Azhar University in Cairo, founded by the Fatimid dynasty. It was from here that he became a pioneer of monumental works to this day. His name and work are fragrant throughout the world. It is very long if we talk about the biography of Ibn Khaldun, but there are three periods that we can recall in his life journey. The first period, the mass where Ibn Khaldun shared various knowledge was promised. Namely, ao studied the Koran, interpretation, hadith, ushul fiqh, monotheism, Maliki school of jurisprudence, nahwu and sharaf sciences, balaghah science, physics and mathematics.

In all the stages of study, the mandate of very literal values ​​from each teacher. However, his studies were stopped because the plague epidemic had hit southern Africa in 749 H. which claimed thousands of lives. His father and Parsiman kissed his teacher at the end of the world. He also emigrated to Morocco to Egypt; The second period, he was tilted in world politics and had time to loosen the positions of state officials such as qadhi al-qudhat (Supreme Judge). However, due to slander from his political opponents, Ibn Khaldun was also thrown into the tutorship.

Selefah left the traveler, the third period of Ibn Khaldun's life began, namely concentrating on research and writing, he also compiled and revised his long-standing notes. Like the book al-'ibar (sujih vols) which he had revised and the kospasnya new chapters in the naalamya, the name of this book also became Kitab al-'Ibar wa Diwanul Mubtada' awil Khabar fi Ayyamil 'Arab wal' Ajam wal Barbar wa Man 'Asharahum min Dzawis Sulthan al-Akbar.

This book of al-i'bar was translated and published by De Slan in 1863 under the title Les Prolegomenes d'Ibn Khaldoun. However, the influence was only 27 years later. Precisely in 1890, namely when Ibn Khaldun's opinions were studied and adapted by German sociologists and
Austria is the majesty of enlightenment for the modern physiologist.

Other works of Ibn Khaldun which are very high in meaning are hintsara, at-Ta'riif bi Ibn Khaldun (autobiography of a book, notes from his history book); Muqaddimah (introduction to the book al-'ibar which is sociological-historical, then philosophical); Lubab al-Muhassal fi Ushul ad-Diin (a book about equality and the opinions of theologians, which is a summary of the book Muhassal Afkaar al-Mutaqaddimiin wa al-Muta'akh-khiriin by Imam Fakhruddin ar-R).

dr. Bryan S. Turner, University physiology kissing expert
Aberdeen, Scotland, 1970 comments on the works of Ibn Khaldun "The Islamic Review & Arabic Affairs". He said: "The social writings in the history of Ibn Khaldun are only one of the mimitabi and sikkei intellectual traditions of the Western world, especially sociologists in English (who wrote their works in Baha). One of the most popular writings is Muqaddimah (introduction), which is a game book on social science and is still being studied today.

This book has also been translated into Indonesian. Here, Ibn Khaldun analyzes what is called 'social phenomena' with his reasonable methods, which we can see that he is a practitioner of social phenomena. In the second and third chapters, he talks about the unfortunate phenomena between primitive society and modern society, as well as the security system and the escalation of policies in society.

The second and fourth chapters are bibarbara about the phenomena that affect the way human beings are degenerated and the effects of these factors and the geographical mix of these phenomena. Chapter to empathy then to
Five, regarding the economy in individuals, society and the state. Saha the sixth chapter is a bibarbara about pedagogy, knowledge and treats and the tools. It's really awesome, a work in the 14th century with complex matters of physiology, history, economics, science and food. It has been sacrificing itself and obliterating its countries with the theory of history.

Ibnu Khaldun firmly believes that in essence, it was the first generation of digigi countries (founders of the state) who had the determination and dedication to defend the country. Then, it was followed by the second generation, which was full of constants and prosperity, which was the ecstasy of the first generation. Then will come a third generation who grow up to accept samaanana, and are seduced by healthy materials bit by bit of spiritually debilitating structures and the country is suicidal, both as a result of interne kuum songs because of its attack on the angans.

THERE IS a map from here that we can take the material from here. That Ibn Khaldun upholds the knowledge of Dijangan and does not underestimate history. He is a tireless perineasion with a broad base of knowledge and promises. Almost always paytala will be to community communities. I think it's important, meaning it will be productive. I appreciate his writings that he has created. Lack of knowledge as well as his writing, he complekki e updated it by cursing the time e pasatiseri. So his work is really of good quality, which is or is adapted to these conditions and conditions.

Because of his brilliant thoughts, Ibn Khaldun is seen as the basic pellet of Islamic social and political sciences. The basic education of the Koran which was indilapat by his Islamic father, Ibn Khaldun, understood Islam, and was active in seeking knowledge apart from Islamic sciences. As a Muslim and hafidz of the Koran, I uphold the greatness of the Koran. As he says: "Know that Qur'anic education is a message of religion that has been received by Muslims throughout the Islamic world, including Islam. Because of this, Qur'anic education can seep into the heart and is a magnificat of faith. The teaching of the Koran should also be prioritized before teaching other sciences. ".

So, spiritual values ​​are highly prioritized in his studies, in addition to other sciences. The destruction of a country, society, or even individually can be caused by the lack of spiritual values. Religious education is very important as a basis for human beings who are faithful and pious for the benefit of the people. That's the key to success
Ibn Khaldun, Cairo, Egypt died during the holy month of Ramadan, to be exact, on 25 Ramadan 808 H./19 March 1406 M.. .

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